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Tournament Results

Live scoring of the 60th Annual A. Edith Kinney Youth Tournament

Rockaway Lanes Saturday April 6th, Sunday April 7th 2024

This tournament has ended.
The official standings and prize list are below:


Tournament Highlights:

High Score of the Tournament

Congratulations to Brady Weilamann for shooting the first ONLY 300 of the Tournament!


Oakwood Lanes 891, 890, 847 with a 744 Team Average
Kinnelyn Colts 727, 768, 747 with a 649 Team Average
Shannon & 3 Cousins 721, 772 with a 572 Team Average
Gutter Rats 651, 741, 672 with a 545 Team Average
Frankensteins 612, 589, 553 with a 400 Team Average
Nutter Gutters 633, 584, 559 with a 431 Team Average
Pocket Kings 531, 523, 521 with a 375 Team Average

Kuzevski/Marquez 402 game with a 324 Doubles Average
Logan and Magnus Williams 289, 315, 358 games with a 145 doubles average
2 Handers Rule 448, 481, 380games (1309 series) with a 332 doubles average

 Sevrin Marquez 233, 214 with a 178 Average
Justin Passaro 213 with a 173 Average
Dillon Kuzevski 186 with a 146 Average
Cooper Kaplan 227 game with a 149 average
Savannah Rutar 206 game with a 148 average
Tyler Donis 205 game with a 142 average
Josh Estrin 256 game with a 215 average
Jeremiah Albo 257 game with a 178 average
Robert Blakut 215 game with a 168 average
Cera Steinwand 189 gamewith a 108 average
Sean Beifus 252 game with a 172 average
John Sprague 211, 233, 203 games (647 series) with a 170 average
Amelia Lemanowicz 279 game with a 207 average
Justin Haschak 234 with a 172 average
Landin Stout 684 series with a 190 average
Alex Kranz 242 game with a 188 average
Anthony Blakut - 203, 219, 180 games with a 131 average
Savannah Rutar 233, 200, 201 games (634 series) with a 148 average
Raylyn Cook 205 game with a 140 average
Nick Misha 205 game with a 128 average
Nate Pantuso 169, 172, 224 games (565 series) with a 123 average
Tanner Haschak 199, 197, 214 games (610 series) with a 108 average! 

We had some amazing bowling happening at the 60th Annual Edith A Kinney Youth Tournament!
All of our participants should be proud of their scores! Congratulations to everyone!

Scores/standings are not official until verified by the tournament manager!


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Last Update 4/14/24